Why Kentuckians should see fewer large trucks on secondary roads

It can be daunting enough to see a large commercial truck behind or alongside you on a highway or interstate. When you’re on one of Kentucky’s many rural secondary roads, it can be truly frightening.

Unfortunately, a lot of long-haul truckers are using these roads because they provide shortcuts that save them valuable time and fuel. Often, if their GPS isn’t programmed to keep them within the National Truck Network, it will direct them onto roads that simply aren’t built for vehicles this size.

That’s why this fall, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) and the Kentucky State Police (KSP) announced steps they’re implementing to keep certain trucks off these roads. The plan involves placing “No Truck” signs at state highway intersections and at the end of highways. Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE) is also increasing its patrols on these roads and issuing citations.

The example of KY 286

Kentucky State Route 286 (KY 286) is located in Ballard County. According to the KYTC, there have been close to 120 crashes in the past three years on that road, over less than 17 miles.  Of those crashes, 30 involved heavy-duty commercial trucks. 

Officials say that nearly half of the more recent crashes on this road have involved large commercial vehicles. Large truck crashes, even when those involved don’t suffer serious injuries, can block these roads that farmers and other local businesses rely on for extended periods.

Any crash between a large commercial truck and a smaller vehicle (particularly a car or SUV) can cause catastrophic and, too often, fatal injuries for those in that smaller vehicle. Obtaining compensation when a truck driver or their vehicle is at fault can be a challenge as blame gets shifted among the driver, the trucking company and other parties. Getting experienced legal guidance as soon as possible can help you protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve. 



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