The reasons behind medical misdiagnosis 

Every step of medical treatment is important, but none more so than obtaining an accurate diagnosis. No treatment will be effective without an accurate diagnosis. 

While obtaining an accurate diagnosis may be more complex depending on the medical condition, there are several routine steps that doctors should take. Failure to take these steps could result in misdiagnosis. 

What are some of the more common reasons behind medical misdiagnosis?

It starts with communication

Communicating with patients is an often overlooked aspect of medical treatment. However, the starting point of medical treatment is a consultation with a doctor. During this consultation, a doctor will usually listen to the patient describe their symptoms to the best of their ability. 

This is an area where doctors traditionally do not perform so well. Some studies suggest that doctors only spend around 11 seconds properly listening to patients.

Communication between medical departments is also crucial. One doctor may pass patient records to another for further advice. Administrative staff may also be involved in this process. It only takes one breakdown in communication for a medical error, such as misdiagnosis, to occur. 

Improper medical procedures  

Of course, communication is only the starting point of diagnostics. In many cases, further testing is required. It’s important that a doctor uses the appropriate medical tests for the circumstances. It’s also vital that testing equipment is working and properly maintained. 

Medical tests often involve examining very detailed samples, such as bloodwork, and it only takes one anomaly to give a skewed diagnosis. 

If a wrongful diagnosis caused you harm, you may be entitled to financial compensation based on a medical malpractice claim. This is only possible if negligence was a factor. Seek legal guidance to arm yourself with as much information as possible.


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