Car accidents and soft tissue injuries: What to know

A car accident can damage the human body in a number of ways. One of the most common injuries victims sustain during a car accident is soft tissue injuries. While injuries like broken bones, bruises and scrapes tend to be more apparent, soft tissue injuries that result in damage to the tendons, muscles and ligaments may require specialized attention to diagnose and treat. 

Accurate identification of your injuries is crucial if you intend to pursue a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. Here are the common soft tissue injuries you should look out for after a car accident. 

Whiplash injuries

This is, perhaps, the most common type of soft tissue injury during car accidents. This injury happens when the neck and head are subjected to a rapid and violent back-and-forth movement resulting in a whip-like cracking. Some of the common symptoms you may experience following a whiplash injury include:

  • Blurred vision
  • A feeling of numbness
  • Headache
  • Memory problems

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)

Traumatic brain injuries are sustained when the head is subjected to a blow or hit by a blunt object. In a car accident situation, this happens when the victim’s head is slammed onto the car’s body, steering wheel, or when their brain is jostled during the impact. Depending on the severity, a traumatic brain injury can range from mild concussions and contusions to severe injuries. 

Internal injuries

These can be the most difficult soft tissue injuries to detect as they usually occur deep beneath the surface. Sometimes, the victim may suffer internal injuries when the abdomen crashes into a hard surface during the accident. This can result in internal bleeding – which can become fatal if not treated.

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, it is important that see a doctor immediately so your injuries can be diagnosed and treated. Once you are out of danger, be sure to explore your legal options so you can get the financial restitution you need for your recovery.


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