Like his political and legal hero, Abraham Lincoln, Greg Funfsinn comes from humble beginnings. Greg was born in the small farm town of Mendota, Illinois – home of the National Sweet Corn Festival – and raised on his family’s farm in Bureau County, Illinois. Greg’s dad worked for 47 years at a Caterpillar factory outside of Mendota and even longer on the family farm, before finally retiring. His mom was primarily a stay-at-home mom raising Greg and his two siblings, but also worked on-and-off over the years as a receptionist, waitress, and at an insurance agency before eventually retiring.
Greg graduated near the top of his class from Mendota Township High School and then attended Loyola University Chicago. He was the first in his family to go to college. Greg paid his way through college with some help from his parents, a lot of help from student loans, and also by working a few summers in a factory and doing retail work during the school year. Greg graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. Greg’s interest in law enforcement and his love of investigating almost took him to the FBI or into policing, but instead took him to law school. During the year between college and law school, Greg worked as a project assistant at Vedder Price, an international business-focused law firm in Chicago.
Greg then enrolled in law school at Chicago-Kent College of Law. He graduated with his law degree and after graduation began working for the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office (CCSAO) as a criminal prosecutor. The CCSAO is the 2nd largest prosecutors’ office in the United States. Greg began his career as an Assistant State’s Attorney in the Appeals Division, where he honed his ability to conduct legal research and formulate persuasive legal arguments in writing. He argued multiple cases in the Illinois Court of Appeals and wrote nearly 35 appellate briefs. After years in the Appeals Division, he was promoted to the 4th District Criminal Trial Division. During his time in the trial division, Greg handled more than 100 bench trials, several jury trials, and hundreds of court hearings.
While in Chicago, Greg met his beautiful wife, Aaron Ann Cole, who was a fellow prosecutor. Aaron Ann was born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky and her extended family is from Fayette County and Mercer County. Greg and Aaron Ann were married in Harrodsburg, Kentucky in 2012 and are the proud parents of two beautiful boys, Sawyer and Gus.
Since moving to Lexington, Greg worked for several years at two well-respected law firms in Kentucky. He has represented individuals and businesses involved in a wide variety of lawsuits. Greg has participated in hundreds of depositions, numerous court hearings and oral arguments, and several jury trials. When he’s not practicing law or spending time with his family, Greg enjoys volunteering for Lexington Habitat for Humanity and playing sports. He was a member of the 2014 Class of Leadership Kentucky and the 2018-19 Class of Leadership Lexington.
With the founding of Hicks & Funfsinn, PLLC, Greg will use his vast experience and knowledge in handling injury claims and litigating injury lawsuits for individuals just like you.
- Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois
- J.D. - 05/2007
- Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
- B.S. - 05/2003
- Honors: Dean's List
- Honors: Cum Laude
- Major: Criminal Justice
Classes & Seminars
- Civil Jury Verdicts in Kentucky; February 2017; Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, Kentucky Pond
- Customer Claim Prevention & Investigation; August 2017; Kentucky Restaurant Association
- Civil Jury Verdicts in Kentucky; September 2017; Bluegrass Claims Association
Pro-Bono Activities
- Bluegrass Claims Association (BGCA), Community Service Chair, 2015 to 2016
- Fayette County Small Claims Court, Volunteer Mediator, 2018 to Present
- I AM 3RD, Volunteer Soccer Coach, 4-year-old Cougars, Fall 2018
Past Positions
- Walters Meadows Richardson, PLLC, Lexington, Kentucky, Member, 2015 to 2017
- Landrum & Shouse, LLP, Associate Attorney, 2013 to 2015
- Golden & Walters, PLLC, Associate Attorney, 2013 to 2013
- Cook County State's Attorney's Office, Assistant State's Attorney, 2008 to 2012
- English
Fraternities or Sororities
- Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Professional Associations
- Kentucky Bar Association (KBA), Member, 2012 to Present
- Fayette County Bar Association (FCBA), Member, 2012 to Present
- Bluegrass Claims Association (BGCA), Member, 2014 to 2017
- Bluegrass Claims Association (BGCA), Vice President, 2017 to 2017
- Thoroughbred Club of America (TCA), Member, 2015 to Present
- The Claims Litigation Management (CLM), Member, 2015 to 2017
- International Association of Special Investigation Units (IASIU), Member, 2015 to 2017
- Kentucky Defense Counsel, Inc. (KDC), Member, 2015 to 2017
- National Society of Professional Insurance Investigators (NSPII), Member, 2015 to 2017
- National Society of Professional Insurance Investigators (NSPII), Secretary, 2017 to 2017
- Kentucky Restaurant Association (KRA), Member, 2016 to 2017
- Defense Research Institute (DRI), Member, 2016 to 2017
- Kentucky Justice Association, 2018 to Present
- Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, Member, 2015 to 2017
- Fayette County Small Claims Court, Volunteer Mediator, 2018 to Present
- American Association for Justice, Member, 2019 to Present
Current Employment Position
- Owner/Trial Lawyer
Practice Areas
- Personal Injury
- Catastrophic Accident
- Trucking Accidents
- Wrongful Death
- Birth Injury
- Medical Malpractice
- Nursing Home Negligence
- Premises Liability
Bar Admissions
- Illinois, 2008
- Kentucky, 2012
- U.S. District Court Eastern District of Kentucky, 2013
- U.S. District Court Western District of Kentucky, 2013
- U.S. Court of Appeals 6th Circuit, 2013
- 100%
- Kentucky Colonel, 2014- Present
- Kentucky Rising Stars List issued by Thomson Reuters
- Leadership Lexington
- Leadership Kentucky, Class of 2014
- Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum
- Kentucky Super Lawyers List issued by Thomson Reuters
Representative Cases
- Michael Isaacs v. Jacqueline Evans, Civil Action No.: 12-CI-00484, Scott Circuit Court, Division II, (Judge Paul F. Isaacs) Filed June 25, 2012
- February 2017, Bell Circuit Court, Misty Miracle v. Garland Restaurants, 15-CI-00122
- January 2017, Warren Circuit Court, Joann Baer v. Friends of Lost River, Inc., 15-CI-01162
- November 2016, U.S. District Court Western District of Kentucky Louisville Division, Level 3 Communications, LLC & Wiltel Communications, LLC v. TNT Construction, Inc., 14-CV-00844
- June 2016, Barren Circuit Court, Mary Claire Kendall v. Ralphie's Fun Center a/k/a Ralphie's Properties, LLC, 15-CI-00536
- June 2015, Madison Circuit Court, Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company (a/s/o Logan David Fields) v. William C. Lake, 14-CI-00250
- September 2014, Garrard District Court, Kentucky Farm Bureau v. Larry Smith, 14-C-00144
- March 2014, Scott Circuit Court, Michael Isaacs v. Jacqueline Evans, 12-CI-00484
- November 2017, Kentucky Court of Appeals, Mary Claire Kendall v. Ralphie's Fun Center, A/K/A Ralphie's Properties, LLC, 2016-CA-000981-MR